Self-Care Isn't Vanity, It's Sanity!
January 30, 2025
Make Heart Health Part of Your Self-Care Routine

Devoting a little time every day to care for yourself can go a long way toward protecting the health of your heart. Simple self-care, such as taking a moment to de-stress, giving yourself time to move more, preparing healthier meals, and not cheating on sleep can all benefit your heart.
And that’s a good thing, because heart disease is largely preventable and focusing on improving your heart health has never been more important. Heart disease is a leading cause of death for women and men in the United States, and many Americans remain at risk of getting it, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).
“Studies show self-care routines, such as taking a daily walk and keeping doctor’s appointments, help us keep our blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol levels in the healthy range and reduce our risk of heart disease and stroke,” said Gina Wei, M.D., NHLBI’s acting director of cardiovascular sciences.
It may be easier than you think to “put your heart” into your daily routine. Each Sunday, look at your week’s schedule and carve out 30 minutes daily for heart-healthy practices. Take a yoga class, prepare a heart-healthy recipe, schedule your bedtime to get at least seven hours of sleep, or make a medication checklist. Then seek out support from others, even if it’s online or via a phone call, to help you stick to your goals.
Your primary care doctor or provider is a great place to start if you have questions about heart health. The St. Vincent Health Clinic in Leadville is accepting new patients and appointments are available – just give a call to 719-486-0230.
Learn more in this Self-Care Tips for Heart Health fact sheet and visit to learn more about heart health.
Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute