Monthly Free Foot Clinic
St. Vincent Health is Offering a Free Monthly Foot Clinic
For members of the community who are unable to care for their feet due to large or hard toenails, mobility,
vision, or other conditions.
Your feet are your body’s foundation, so keeping them healthy is essential to your health. St Vincent Health is well-versed in the health and care of your feet, and we want to support you in your foot care.
Preference is given to those 65 years or older and diabetics.
Services offered:
- Foot soak + scrub
- Nail clipping (fingers and/or toes)
- Apply lotion
- Referrals to Podiatry, Wound Care, or other specialties indicated

The Foot Care Clinic is
provided by St. Vincent Health’s
trained Wound Care RNs
Amber Guzzardo and Lindsy Coon
To schedule: call Lindsy Coon,
Case Manager at 719-486-7155